Our Special S Series offers a higher output Strat® pickup design with a deep thick tone, round highs, and smooth bottom that approaches a “Gibsonish” attack and sustain. Less quack than other, lower output strat pickups when in positions 2 and 4. Output is noticeably higher and will break up most amps a little faster and harder than typical Strat pickups. Vintage style cloth covered lead wire. Middle is RWRP for humbucking operation in positions 2 and 4.
Neck 6.7K, Middle 7.1K, Bridge 7.6K
All Special Strat soundfiles with clean tone were played by Greg Timmons using a Strat with an alder body and maple neck w/ rosewood fretboard played through a Fender Super Reverb.
In this clip from The Jimi Project, Phil is using our Strat Specials.• Phil Brown—Purple Haze
A live recording of Phil playing “Purple Haze” using our Strat Specials.• Paul Brannin
Recorded with reverb only using our Strat Special S Series pickups. Visit Paul’s website.• Jason Barker
Playing our Strat Special S pickups through a Speedster Class A “40” amp• Jason Barker
Playing our Strat Special S pickups through a Carr Hammerhead amp.